Types of Yogasana and their Benefits to your Body

Yoga is arguably the biggest new trend in the Western world when it comes to health and mind benefits. An increasing number of people are seeing the benefits of practicing it regularly and followers now count millions. It is possible to find some very famous artists who rely on this practice for their work. Also, CEOs, writers and all kind of important positions in the world trust their well-being to this ancient technique. The most widely used type of yoga today is the Ashtanga version. Read on and find out which are the benefits of Ashtanga´s most popular asanas or poses.

Adho Mukha Svanasana – The downward dog

This yoga pose resembles a half triangle formed with the back part of the body. Its benefits are related to stretching the hamstrings, decompressing the spine, and strengthening both your arms. Also, because it flushes oxygen right to the brain, it calms your mind down.

Sukhasana – Easy Pose

It is very common to recognize the easy pose because it is a very common yoga practice. People sit on the floor with legs crossed over each other and the hands together in the middle. If your spine is correctly straight, the benefits you get from this pose are related to relaxing and calming down aches, anxiety and anger.

Bandha Sarvangasana – Bridge

This is a very popular yoga pose too and is practiced by yoga and non-yoga lovers. It helps a lot to strengthen the spine, enhancing its flexibility drastically. It also works on your hip joints by opening them up as well as your chest. This pose stimulates your thyroid, which is very good for human body functioning and also has been tested positively to reduce stress, insomnia, anxiety and can help to cope with depression.

Virabhadrasana I – Warrior 1

This pose requires an arm to the sky with a flexed knee. The benefits are plenty and they are especially big for those who have heavy days at work and need to relax. Among the physical benefits, this asana strengthens legs and feet; being especially effective on your knee muscles. Besides these benefits, it also works opening your shoulders and chest, improving your posture and focus at the same time.

Chaturanga – Four Limbed Staff

This yoga pose is used in many other training disciplines and is also known as the plank. It is not difficult to perform, but takes a lot of strength to keep it that way. The benefits of this yoga posture are big on your wrists, arms and also your abdomen. It is a strengthening posture and also a preparation for more challenging postures that involve arm balancing head down.

Trikonasana – Triangle

The triangle is formed with your foot, hand, armpit and hip. The other hand is offered to the sky. The benefits are centered in your spine, you will get improved flexibility, help your shoulders alignment, relieve the stiffness in your neck and ease your back. With practice and dedication, this posture will help you improve your posture; just remember to do it always on both sides.

Vrksasana – Tree

Balance is the keyword for this yoga pose. Although it might seem as a simple one to achieve, it can be tricky to keep your back straight. You will notice that, since your stability depends on your balance, then the more straight you are and the better you distribute your weight, the easier it will be to maintain balance. With time, this balance will help you on your everyday life.

Bakasana – Crow

This is going further into the balance territory. This pose is great for strengthening wrists, forearms and abdomen to prepare for other, more complicated poses. It will also help stretching your hamstrings. If you achieve balance in this posture, you will be ready for more complex ones.

Utkatasana – Chair

This pose has many benefits for the body, including muscles and organs. For starters, it strengthens leg muscles, ankles, hip reflexors, back and calves. It works great at stretching the shoulders and chest as well as reducing the symptoms of flat feet. Finally, it works wonders at stimulating your heart, your abdominal organs and your diaphragm.

Navasana – Boat

It might seem as an easy posture to achieve, but it is definitely not. While doing it, the importance of stability (straight back, arms and knees locked and the chin looking forward) is crucial. Once you achieve that, your abdominal core will be benefited hugely with improved strength.

Pincha Mayurasana – Arm Balance

This is an advanced yoga pose for advanced students. It requires to go through all the other strengthening poses and achieving the right equilibrium and balance. At first, many people do It against the wall, because the benefits are exactly the same. The main benefit of this pose is to enhance the blood flow throughout your entire body. It is very normal to feel energized after completing it.

Natarajasana – King Dancer

This yoga pose is achieved by grabbing one of your feet in the air while stretching one of your hands as far forward as you can. It helps a lot to strengthen the core and also improve your focus. The king dancer is considered one of the most graceful asanas in the whole ashtanga routine.

Savasana – Corpse

This is the last and, for many, the most important of all the asanas in the yoga practice. Its aim is to rejuvenate body and mind after the practice of all the other postures. Also, it is a great way to shift your attention to the inner-self and manage your blood pressure. This calming moment closes the yoga circle and gives your body and mind the perfect moment to absorb all the things it has been through in the past postures.


All the poses here described are very benefitial for our body, but you should not do yoga without supervision. It is important that you look for professional help and tuition until you can do all of these without hurting yourself and then you can do it on your own.

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